Therapy 05: Natural Remedy For Obstructed Tubes


Fallopian tubes or uterine tubes are part of the genital system. They transport both male (spermatozoa) and female (ovum) gametes . They are located on either side of the uterus and connect the ovaries to the uterus. Therapy 5: Natural Remedy for Obstructed Tubes by AFRIKAHERBS is powerful at unclogging completely the tubes. It also eliminates unexpected infections created by the disease. Thanks to this therapy, many women regained their fertility and are now happy to carry their own child.

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Natural remedy for obstructed tubes

Infertility is increasingly the main obstacle for procreation in couples. The most common and popular case remains the phenomenon of tubal obstruction or blocked tubes. To alleviate this, the AFRIKAHERBS  herbal medicine center has a particularly effective natural formula. Here is the therapy 5: Natural remedy against obstructed tubes.

What to know about tubes obstruction ?

Obstructed fallopian Tubes

Fallopian tubes or uterine tubes are part of the genital system. They transport both male (spermatozoa) and female (ovum) gametes . They are located on either side of the uterus and connect the ovaries to the uterus . During the egg’s journey , the tubes ensure fertilization (meeting of egg and sperm). Therefore, for a woman to get pregnant and conceive, requires her fallopian tubes to function normally. When tubes are obstructed, fertilization cannot take place. Actually, about 15% of fertility problems are related to tubes abnormality. This greatly hinders women’s plan to bear children.

What are the causes of tubal obstruction?

Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are the main cause of tubal obstruction. When don’t treat them quickly and effectively, chlamydia, PID and others, damage structure and function of the fallopian tubes. Complicated appendicitis cause inflammation that ends up blocking the tubes.

Obstructed fallopian Tubes

Since the endometrial tissue is found in the tubes, suffering from endometriosis also blocks the progression of the sperm towards the egg. Medical procedures such as ovarian or uterine surgery also affect the integrity of the tubes. Sometimes the illness is present without symptoms as a birth defect until it’s time to conceive.

What are the symptoms of obstructed tubes?

In most cases, a woman realizes she is unable to conceive only when she plans to have a child. Regular checks help detect cases of infection even if there are no symptoms; therefore the need for diagnosis. Diagnosis may include sonohysterography, laparoscopy or hysteroscopy. Those are some tests a woman can undergo to detect tubal blockage. We advise you consult specialists to learn more bout them. We are also a few clicks away to give you advices.

What about Therapy 5: Natural Remedy for clogged Tubes by AFRIKAHERBS ?

Obstructed fallopian Tubes

Therapy 5: Natural Remedy for Clogged Tubes from AFRIKAHERBS is purely natural. It unclogs completely the tubes and gets rid of all the unexpected infections created by the disease. Thanks to this therapy, many women regained their fertility and now bear their own child. You now have the chance to qchieve what you have been fighting for. With this carefully enhanced treatment, whether you are in Africa, Europe, or elsewhere in the world you will get to experience the joy of bearing children.

We wish you a good healing.


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