Natural Remedy To Cure Chlamydia With Nere Roots

Among sexually transmittable infections, Chlamydia is the most striking. Even if it is more common to women than men, it still affects us all as it is a silent threat that spreads, unnoticed. With antibiotics being the straightforward treatment, healing from Chlamydia is still for some, an enduring nightmare. As practitioners and nature’s lovers, we offer a herbal alternative. It helps relieve the infection, when relying on conventional treatment goes wrong. With a gentle and natural remedy to cure Chlamydia with Nere roots, experience a simple way to get rid of this contagious disorder. Read on to discover more about our natural remedy.

Nere fruit

What is Chlamydia ?

Chlamydia is a sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) spread through contamination by the agent responsible for the infection, Chlamydia Trachomatis. Chlamydia transmits easily during unprotected sexual intercourse. Transmission occurs through genitals, rectum and throat contact with an infected person. A chlamydia infected individual simply transmits it to another person during sex. Actually, close to two out of three women contract Chlamydia during their first time.

nere roots to cure chlamydia

In reality, Chlamydia Trachomatis is much more of a parasite than a bacterium. Precisely, halfway between a virus and a bacterium. It develops mainly in the mucous membrane of the urethra in both sexes and in the cervix of women. It causes in some cases a chronic inflammation of the genital tract.


Chlamydia does not necessarily cause discomfort. Thus, people with chlamydia do not necessarily experience symptoms, and remain unaware of their state. When the tangible symptoms show up it usually takes from 2 to 6 weeks after infection takes place.

Depending on where they show, common symptoms vary depending on the part of the body they appear on.

In addition, they tend to be more visible with men than women. They show up on genitals as warts, around the rectal area as anal bleeding or pain, and in the throats they sore.

It is important to quickly treat Chlamydia. Its permanency can alter both male and female fertility, or cause complications to future pregnancies. Therefore, a proper diagnosis is important as soon as signs show up. You can quickly act when you know how to use Nere roots to cure Chlamydia.

If you have issues figuring out medical analysis, or signs, you suffer, contact +22990411609 or click the button below.

Also read: How To Treat Gonorrhea With Orange And Cloves

Natural remedy to cure Chlamydia with Nere roots

Nere (Parkia Biglobosa of its scientific name), is a plant present in all African savannas. It is recognized especially by its fruits which are long pods containing black seeds coated with yellow pulp. Traditionally used as seasoning for meals, it also has medicinal properties. Thus, the barks and roots of this plant make ingredients to treat sterility, STDs, hepatitis, bronchitis and leprosy. These leaves in steam baths treat febrile states and intestinal parasites disorders.

nere to cure chlamydia

Since Chlamydia is a parasite halfway between the behavior of a virus and a bacterium that can cause sterility, the root of Nere is used to treat it. Here is a natural remedy to cure Chlamydia with nere roots.

To fully enjoy the virtues of the nere and treat chlamydia, follow our recipe:

  • Find the bark of the black locust tree trunk
  • Make a decoction, then filter the tea obtained
  • Drink a glass of it morning and night to get rid of Chlamydia
  • You can chew the bark and or drink the juice

Also note that, the Parkia Biglobosa with innumerable nutritious benefits on the body and the health is mostly portrayed by its delicious fruits. Eat them to benefit from them.

However, for the treatment of chlamydia, we have an improved and ready-to-use natural treatment to get rid of this disease as soon as observed. Click on the image below to discover it.

This treatment is made with powerful plants (natural antibiotics) to kill the bacteria responsible for the infection and protect your body from the consequences that the infection causes such as, sterility. It is safe for the body. Even, without side effects.

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