Natural Treatment For The Absence Of Cervical Mucus

In general, cervical mucus is a secretion produced by the cervix to help sperm reach the egg. However, if the quality or quantity of mucus is insufficient, there is little chance that the sperm will be able to fertilize. But how to stimulate the secretion of cervical mucus ? Discover the natural treatment for the absence of cervical mucus right away.

cervical mucus absence treatment

What is the purpose of cervical mucus ?

Cervical mucus is a whitish, viscous and filamentous secretion produced by the cells of the cervix that flows out of the vagina. It lines the cervix, vagina, and vulva, creating a protective barrier between the body and the environment. The mucus also plays a major role in fostering healthy bacteria, ensuring protection from pathogens, helping sperm reach the reproductive tract, and even signaling disease and pregnancy issues to clinicians. Its consistency varies according to the period of the menstrual cycle. That is, it’s thickness at the beginning of the cycle and gradually becoming more fluid. However, it can simply become non existent. Which is why we offer you our natural treatment for the absence of cervical mucus.

Phases of change of Cervical Mucus

At the beginning of the cycle, after your period, the mucus is thin, whitish and thick. Outside the fertile period, its main role would be to protect the cervix from bacteria, by closing it completely.

cervical mucus absence treatment

However, as ovulation approaches, the cervical mucus becomes more abundant and translucent thanks to the meshes that they are composed of. These widen to facilitate the passage of sperm towards the uterus and fallopian tubes. At the end of ovulation, it thickens and becomes opaque again. Finally, the white discharge disappears and the mucus will close the cervix again to prevent bacteria and sperm from entering.

Why the absence of cervical mucus ?

This problem of cervical mucus can be linked to hormonal disorders due to the presence of antibodies in the cervical mucus. The mucus drops as a result of the increase in estrogen that usually accompanies ovulation. In the opposite case, when the estrogen balance is altered, the quality of the mucus is different, becoming thicker or less liquid.

cervical mucus absence treatment

So a woman with a normal menstrual cycle may notice an increase in vaginal white discharge halfway through the cycle. But this is not really noticeable. When it is the case; you can use our natural treatment for the absence of cervical mucus.

In her life cycle, the woman is confronted with diseases and infections that make her sad and unhappy. The infection that our natural remedy treats is a sexually transmitted infection. Order now the Therapy 06 : Chlamydia Infection Natural Treatment.

Natural treatment against the absence of cervical mucus

If you want to have a child, you can improve the quality of your cervical mucus with this treatment proposed by AFRIKAHERBS.

Also read: How to boost ovulation naturally in 14 days ?


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