How To Use Cassava To Increase Sperm Naturally

Apart from its culinary virtues, cassava is used in traditional medicine because of its extraordinary properties and advantageous virtues in the sexual health of men. How to use cassava to increase sperm (spermatozoa) naturally ?

cassava to increase sperm naturally

The role of spermatozoa

A spermatozoa is the representative of the egg in the man. The spermatozoon is manufactured thanks to a phenomenon called spermatogenesis which begins during puberty. Unlike women, where the number of mature follicles released is limited, spermatozoa are produced continuously until death. The role of the spermatozoa is to fertilize the egg. Infact the spermatozoon contains the genetic information of the father and the egg, the genetic information of the mother. The fusion of both, fertilized, generates an egg cell. The cell will develop into an embryo and then into an infant from both partners.

cassava to increase sperm naturally
A spermatozoon – Wikipedia credit

Once in the woman’s body, a spermatozoa has a maximum lifespan of 2 days. The most vigorous ones can sometimes survive from 4 to 5 days in the woman’s vagina. However, many men lack healthy spermatozoa strong enough to survive and fertilize eggs every time they ejaculate. This is why we are offering this recipe of cassava to increase sperm (spermatozoa) naturally.

The benefits of cassava

Cassava is a tuber used mainly in diets. In Africa, it represents a great wealth because of the food derivatives that it provides. However, it is necessary to know that cassava contains properties on the fertility of the man which nobody often speak about. In fact, cassava contains substances that promote spermatogenesis that increases the number of spermatozoa. Because of its high calcium and zinc content, it enriches men sperm easily. That’s why you can use cassava to increase sperm (spermatozoa) naturally.

Why you need to enrich your sperm ?

There are several diseases that affect the integrity of spermatozoa. Apart from everyday stress, genetic diseases such as diabetes or hemorrhoids can weaken your sperm.

Varicocele is also a common cause of sperm deficiency. All these sicknesses, alter normal sperm production and may require you to give it a push.

However, as any other reproductive issue, it is always safer to rely on natural methods for treatment. As such, you can rely on this cassava recipe to increase sperm (spermatozoa) naturally.

testicular varicocele herbal medecine

To get prominent results, it is wise, to consult a specialist in order to identify any probable cause of sperm deficiency and to remove any obstacle before engaging in sperm improvement. When diagnosis is made, numeral ways of healing exist, among which natural approaches are highly recommended. For example, to cure any varicocele case, you can rely on our therapy, which prevents you from undergoing surgery and suffering additional damages. Learn more about it by clicking on the box below.

For any other type of ailments provoking reproductive issues, contact us to get advice and proper prescription.

If you mainly suffer from hemorrhoids, this recipe can help you: Garlic for Hemorrhoids .

How to use cassava to increase sperm naturally ?

Ingredients: Cassava (fresh cassava tuber)


  • Peel the cassava
  • Cut the cassava into small pieces
  • Put the cassava pieces in water and let it macerate
  • After macerating, put it in the refrigerator with your container

How to use:

The next day, drink the macerate on an empty stomach

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