3 Signs Your Tubes Are Blocked

Blocked fallopian tubes hinders birth because there is no passage. But what is a fallopian tube ? And what does blocked mean ? What does it look like and what forms of blockage can women suffer from? This is one of the main fertility issues for women. Here, we talk about different tubal obstruction, and 3 signs that show your tubes are blocked.

The role of Fallopian Tubes

Fallopian tubes are highly functional organs. They play an important role in the woman’s reproductive system. If you don’t have tubes, your eggs can’t move and reach your uterus, the precious passage. Fallopian tubes are a precise mechanical organ that ensures movement, nutrition and protection of the eggs against the external harmful elements of the vagina. It happens that they get blocked because of its very function. Indeed, it is through permanent contractions that fallopian tubes manage to move the sperm and the eggs. Here are 3 signs you can watch out for to know if your tubes are blocked.

blocked fallopian tubes 3 signs
Fallopian tube connected to ovary


Signs Your Tubes Are Clogged: Miscarriage

How likely is the egg to survive in the woman’s womb all depends on how healthy the tubes still are. But, when fallopian tubes are blocked, and you get to be fertilized, the fertilized egg may not reach the womb to start the pregnancy. Your pregnancy will then take place in your fallopian tubes rather than in your uterus. Obviously the fetus does not survive, and this results in miscarriage.

blocked fallopian tubes 3 signs
Pregnancy in tubes

Signs Your Tubes Are Clogged: Bleeding

Bleeding is most often the cause of a blocked fallopian tube, especially when blockage come from infection. This is because of frequent inflammation and the immune system’s reaction to fight infection. This results in frequent bleeding, which is synonymous with struggle in the fallopian tubes. If the woman doesn’t get help quickly, the problem can get worse. To quickly and adequately solve this kind of problem, once diagnosed, here is a solution.

Signs Your Tubes Are Clogged: Loss Of Menstruation

You will miss your periods frequently when your tubes are clogged, because your eggs will not be able to leave your uterus to ovulate. In fact, this loss of menstruation means that the movement of the eggs are hindered and therefore the menstrual cycle cannot be completed.

blocked fallopian tubes 3 signs

A consequence is also that if the blockage occurs on the side of the pavilion, as is the case with a hydrosalpinx, there may be a rejection of eggs into the ovaries. This causes what is called a polycystic ovary. To learn more about polycystic ovaries, click here.

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